Wednesday 23 March 2011

Feeling all GUI.

So far this week I've been continuing work on the main GUI system, and have certainly now churned out enough code for a fair number of simpler games than Juggernaut.  For example, if I ever need to do some kind of drag-and-drop 2D puzzle game I'm now pretty much set!

Although the GUI system is completely custom, I've based the layout fundamentals on Windows Presentation Foundation in terms of split panels/stack panels because, although I grew to hate WPF with a manic passion, the layout system was pretty good.  It would have been easier just to hard code all the panel positions for the ship editor, but bothering to do a passable layout system will make subsequent GUIs (such as the main menu) much simpler.

Just for you, even though it's still early days, I thought I'd post a screenshot of the early version of the ship editor, since it's been a while and I know how much people prefer a picture:

A first look at an early version of the ship editor, with a list of components on the right hand side that may be dragged on the main playfield and then attached to the ship.  Note that the background textures and title are just placeholders, and will be replaced by something much more sexy.  The basic layout is likely to stay pretty much the same, though.

Anyway, once I've finished off the most basic functionality of the ship editor (which should be today or tomorrow), I'll probably go back to the world editor and allow distribution of ship components throughout the environment that you can find and then bolt onto your ship.

Current Juggernaut code base size: 1.25 Megabytes.  Great Expectations by Charles Dickens weighs in at about 1 Megabyte.

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